Julia's Top 3 Seychellen Highlights

Anse Georgette
One of my highlights because...
...the views of the white sandy beach, the turquoise ocean, and green nature are particularly beautiful here!
...you walk through a stunning golf course to get here.

Mission View Point
I highly recommend this because...
...it offers the best view of Eden Island and the marine park!
...here you’re completely surrounded by nature.

Granite boulders at Anse Source d’Argent
Spectacular because...
...nowhere else in the world can you see such granite formations!
...you can take great photos on, around, or even under the boulders.

Julia's favourite experience in the Seychelles
My stay on Denis Island. Here, far from the main islands, I spent a wonderful week and snorkelled alongside turtles at the coral reef. It was a fantastic experience that I’ll never forget.

Julia's Insider Tip
Try Creole cuisine - the best is from the small takeaways. Besides that, you should visit Honesty Bar on Anse Lazio, which is somewhat hidden away at the bach of the beach.
The art of travelling is not in planning, but rather doing